May News from Seckford Care

Seckford Care in Woodbridge, like all care homes, has shut its doors firmly to all visitors since the start of the pandemic, for the protection of the residents, but we are still busy with a variety of activities for the residents; although we now can only run smaller groups due to social distancing. So far, we have made bird feeders and Suffolk rusks, attending a virtual choir, watched some productions from the National Theatre and watched a virtual pantomime.

We have introduced ‘Fun-Day Fridays’ where the staff dress up or sing songs to the residents. This has been great in lifting spirits for residents and staff alike and is keeping a certain amount of normality to our lives here.

We also celebrated the anniversary of VE day on Friday 8th May. We held the minute of silence and also a ‘socially distanced’ special lunch (fish and chips, followed by an eye-catching and delicious red, white and blue pavlova) and ginger beer. We then had a sing song of some war songs. Later we held an afternoon tea with a specially made cake for the occasion, followed by another sing song. In the week leading up to the celebration, we collected some photos of residents and/or family members that served in the war.

The day was spent reminiscing, singing and eating, with lots of laughter and memories shared.