When you first contact us, we will:
- Explain what services we offer at Seckford Almshouses and answer your questions about suitability for you, your relative, client or friend.
- Send you a brochure and/or arrange for you to visit for a tour, coffee and chat.
When you visit, we will:
- Show you around the building and grounds, and answer any questions you may have.
- Explain our allocation procedures and our charges.
- Take initial information about your age, care and mobility needs and your current care package.
When a place becomes available, we will:
- Review the needs of those on our waiting list to see whose needs are the most urgent for the type of care that we can offer at that time.
- Arrange a meeting to make a full care assessment.
How we make allocations
Allocations are based on your care needs and the suitability of the Seckford Almshouses in meeting those needs. They are not based on the length of time you may have been waiting for a place.
If you are interested in public funding
Suffolk County Council may be able to help with care costs, while Suffolk Coastal District Council may be able to help with rent costs, if you decide you want to move into one of our Very Sheltered Apartments.
We will explain how to contact these Councils, so that they can assess your eligibility for financial support.
To find out more:
To view the Seckford Care general information brochure, please click on the image below: